Week 6
Week in Review:
Collaborated with FfP and Baringa teams in virtual and in-person meetings to help begin drafting the roadmap to the FIFA World Cup 2026.
Researched and compiled details on relevant upcoming events for Football for Peace to attend..
Documented meeting discussions and created detailed meeting minutes.
Developed and updated stakeholder information in a comprehensive Google Sheets document.
Analysed stakeholder data to identify key actions and deliverables for Football for Peace moving forward.
Created a Google Sheets document for the managing and approval of social media content.
Advised Football for Peace on social media engagement tactics, including potential raffle.
Demonstrated strong research, documentation, and analytical skills
Adapted to evolving project requirements and collaborated effectively.
This week was highly productive as we continued our collaboration with the Football for Peace (FfP) and Baringa team, building on the momentum from the previous week. On Monday, we virtually attended a meeting between Baringa and the FfP team building off the introductory meeting that took place last week. We were focused on establishing a rough draft of a roadmap to the FIFA World Cup in 2026, this meant identifying key events that Football for Peace would want to attend before then to secure sponsors and gain momentum. The meeting delved deeply into the organisation's goals for the next 5 to 10 years, with both teams exchanging feedback and questions. Our role was to take detailed notes and transform those into meeting minutes, capturing the key points and action items from the discussion for the team to easily reflect back on.
At the end of Monday's meeting, we were tasked with researching upcoming events related to water, climate change, and football that are scheduled to take place within the next 2 years. This research was to include the event name, location, date, and a brief description of its purpose. The importance of attending events such as conferences, conventions, and other charity events, is that FfP can connect with new audiences whilst also networking with potential stakeholders to help receive funding for their endeavours (Donate-NG, 2022). It also is a great opportunity to create content for FfP socials which further increases awareness about the organisation and social media engagement with their followers (Holtz, 2024). The FfP team wanted this information ready by Tuesday morning, as they planned to discuss these events during the second half of the meeting with Baringa.
On Tuesday, we met in the office with the core FfP team and Baringa members. We added our research on event dates to a joint calendar document provided by our FfP supervisor and discussed each of the events. In this discussion they weighed the pros and cons of attending each event and highlighted the events they were sure about attending. The conversation then shifted to discussing current and potential FfP stakeholders, as well as partners. We were then tasked with documenting the discussion and creating a comprehensive Google Sheets document summarising all stakeholder specifics. This document was shared with the FfP team and with the Baringa representative to ensure all relevant information was captured and accessible for all.
Due to the shift in focus to the Rehydrating the Earth campaign currently being worked on with the Baringa team, we are still awaiting approval to begin posting on the FfP Instagram and launching the #MVPMondays campaign. This has been pushed back another week, but our supervisor has access to a social media tracking spreadsheet we created to hopefully help expedite the process of getting these posts approved.
With one of our FfP supervisors, we also briefly discussed the potential of initiating a social media raffle for tickets to the Euros final, which could significantly boost engagement and visibility for the organisation. However, we ultimately advised not to do this as the Euros final game is next week and that may not be enough time for a successful raffle. The concern was that as Football for Peace had still not relaunched their Instagram presence, nor have they ever done an online raffle like this before, and with the Euros being such a big prize it was unwise to do this as they may lose more profit than gain (Eventgroove Products, 2020). We did note that it was a good idea but they should start with raffling off a smaller prize first to see how their followers engage with the format, and if that goes well they can start doing larger scale raffles or give-aways (Ascend, 2021).
On Wednesday, we had an online meeting to further refine the stakeholder chart with the Baringa representative and an FfP member. During this meeting, I actively updated the stakeholders spreadsheet with new information and insights shared by the team. At the end of the meeting, the Baringa representative tasked us with recreating the spreadsheet in Excel and analysing the spreadsheet data to identify actions and deliverables that FfP needs to focus on moving forward. We were given the responsibility of preparing this analysis for an online meeting scheduled for Friday, where we would discuss our findings and next steps.
Throughout the week, we demonstrated strong research, documentation, and analytical skills, contributing valuable insights to the ongoing strategic planning efforts of FfP and Baringa. We also showcased our ability to work collaboratively and adapt to evolving project requirements, positioning ourselves as integral members of the team working towards FfP's long-term goals with their Rehydrating the Earth campaign.
Ascend, T. (2021). How to Build Social Engagement for Online Charity Raffles and Fundraisers. [online] The Ascend Blog. Available at: https://blog.ascendfs.com/how-to-build-social-engagement-for-online-charity-raffles-and-fundraisers/.
Donate-NG (2022). 10 Reasons Why Nonprofits Should Attend Conferences. [online] Donate-ng Blog. Available at: https://donate-ng.com/blog/nonprofit-conferences/#:~:text=Conferences%20offer%20speakers%20from%20different.
Eventgroove Products (2020). Products Blog. [online] Eventgroove. Available at: https://products.eventgroove.com/blog/articles/raise-more-money-with-raffles/.
Holtz, J. (2024). The best charity and nonprofit events board members should know about this year. [online] Board Portal Software | BoardEffect UK. Available at: https://www.boardeffect.com/en-gb/blog/best-charity-events/#:~:text=Fundraising%20knowledge%3A%20Events%20provide%20opportunities.